The Association mainly avails itself of activities provided by its members on their own volunteer and free initiative for the pursuit of its institutional purposes. It values the essential contribution of active and responsible involvement of its members, through their commitment to voluntary service in youth work and the development of all association initiatives.
The Association values the role of its promoting institution, the Salesian Province “San Marco” Italy North-East, within the organisation itself. The promoting institution appoints its Salesian Delegate whose task is to guarantee that the Association operates within the Salesian Educational and Pastoral Project and to ensure the connection between the Association and the Promoting Organisation.
In carrying out its activities and services, the Association shall act on its own, with full planning, managerial, administrative and operational autonomy and with all relevant responsibilities.
Members of the Association are the natural persons who apply for it and whose request is accepted by the Managing Committee of the Association.
The following are bodies of the Association:
- The General Assembly, supreme body of the Association, including all its Members;
- The Managing Committee. It is appointed on a two-yearly basis and consists of a minimum of twelve members elected by the General Assembly and one member appointed by the Promoting Organisation;
- The Executive Body. It consists of the President, the Deputy President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Promoting Organisation’s Salesian Delegate and two Councilors;
- The President;
- The Board of Auditors or Single Auditor, if appointed.