
“The Journey Never Ends” workshop (parte terza)

Prosegue la pubblicazione dei materiali prodotti durante il corso di formazione “The Journey never ends” sul tema del dialogo interculturale e interreligioso in Europa, primo progetto in Italia di Don Bosco Youth-Net organizzato direttamente dalla nostra associazione TGS e co-finanziato dal Programma Erasmus+, svoltosi tra Mogliano Veneto e Venezia dal 4 all’11 Agosto 2019 con il patrocinio della Città di Venezia, della Regione del Veneto e del Consiglio d’Europa Ufficio di Venezia.
Ripercorriamo l’esperienza dello scambio giovanile attraverso foto, video e testi prodotti dalle sessioni di workshop a cui hanno preso parte i giovani partecipanti.
Dopo aver ammirato le più belle fotografie scattate nel corso dell’intera settimana trascorsa tra Mogliano e Venezia (vedi precedente post: “The Journey Never Ends” workshop: highlights”) e il resoconto delle prime visite di studio a Venezia, presso la Comunità Ebraica (“The Journey Never Ends workshop – parte prima), e presso la comunità monastica della Chiesa Armena (“The Journey Never Ends workshop – parte seconda), oggi scopriamo tutto sull’incontro con il Consiglio d’Europa Ufficio di Venezia, attraverso un video e un breve testo.

The publication of the materials produced during the training course continues! “The Journey never ends”, our youth exchange focused on intercultural and inter-religious dialogue in Europe, was the first Don Bosco Youth-Net project in Italy directly organised by TGS. Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. It took place in Mogliano Veneto and Venice from 4th to 11 th August 2019 under the patronage of the Town of Venice, Regione Veneto and Council of Europe Office in Venice.
Let’s recall the youth exchange experience through pictures, videos and texts produced by the young participants during the workshop sessions.
After admiring the most beautiful photographs taken during the entire week spent between Mogliano and Venice (see previous post: “The Journey Never Ends” workshop: highlights”) and the report of the first study visits to Venice with the Jewish community (“The Journey Never Ends workshop – parte prima) and the monastic community of the Armenian Church (“The Journey Never Ends workshop – parte seconda), today we discover everything about the meeting with the Council of Europe Office in Venice, through a video and a short essay.

On August 7th Mr Luca Volpato, a staff member of the Venice office, introduced us to the activities of the Council of Europe (CoE) office in St Mark’s Square. The purpose of this visit was to learn more about the role of the Council of Europe regarding interculturalism.

The Council of Europe Office in Venice was established on the 5th of May in 1990. This was soon after the fall of the Berlin wall because there was an urgent need for constitutional assistance in Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of the Venice Office is to achieve a greater unity between all members of the Council of Europe. The purpose for this is to safeguard and realise the ideas and principles for those who seek good governance and human rights. The Council of Europe covers many areas of activities, however it does not cover defence neither economy. As Mr Volpato mentioned, the offices of the Council of Europe are treated as embassies. The goals of the Venice Office are to preserve culture, to integrate minorities and to promote gender equality. Another important role of the Venice Commission is to ensure that all tangible and intangible cultural heritage is looked after.

We had the chance to learn more about the goals and the duties of the Council of Europe, in particular those of the Venice Office. We also saw how it is an open channel of dialogue and communication between its member states. After the presentation, the staff offered us some documentation and merchandise in order to remember our visit and to promote the work and activities of their office in Venice and all over Europe.


Nelle prossime puntate pubblicheremo nuovi TESTI e VIDEO realizzati per raccontare l’esperienza delle altre visite di studio a Venezia: torna a visitare le pagine di questo blog!

In the next episodes we will publish new TEXTS and VIDEOS created to share the experience of more study visits to Venice: come back and visit our blog!

Lo Staff di TGS Journal / TGS Journal Staff

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  • Scheda di presentazione Don Bosco Youth-Net - Download
  • Scheda informativa: “The Journey Never Ends" - Download

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