Il corso di formazione “The Journey never ends” sul tema del dialogo interculturale e interreligioso in Europa, primo progetto in Italia di Don Bosco Youth-Net organizzato direttamente dalla nostra associazione TGS e co-finanziato dal Programma Erasmus+, sì è svolto tra Mogliano Veneto e Venezia dal 4 all’11 Agosto 2019 con il patrocinio della Città di Venezia, della Regione del Veneto e del Consiglio d’Europa Ufficio di Venezia.
Ripercorriamo l’esperienza dello scambio giovanile attraverso i materiali prodotti dalle sessioni di workshop a cui hanno preso parte i giovani partecipanti.
Dopo aver ammirato le più belle fotografie scattate nel corso dell’intera settimana trascorsa tra Mogliano e Venezia (vedi precedente post: “The Journey Never Ends” workshop: highlights”) e il resoconto della prima visita di studio a Venezia, presso la Comunità Ebraica (“The Journey Never Ends workshop – parte prima“), oggi scopriamo tutto sull’incontro con la Comunità monastica della Chiesa Armena in città, attraverso un video e un breve testo.
The training course “The Journey never ends”, focused on intercultural and inter-religious dialogue in Europe, was the first Don Bosco Youth-Net project in Italy directly organised by TGS. Co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. It took place in Mogliano Veneto and Venice from 4th to 11 th August 2019 under the patronage of the Town of Venice, Regione Veneto and Council of Europe Office in Venice.
Let’s recall the youth exchange experience through the materials produced by the young participants during the workshop sessions.
After admiring the most beautiful photographs taken during the entire week spent between Mogliano and Venice (see previous post: “The Journey Never Ends” workshop: highlights”) and the report of the first study visit to Venice with the Jewish community (“The Journey Never Ends workshop – parte prima“), today we discover everything about the meeting with the monastic community of the Armenian Church in town, through a video and a short essay.
On the afternoon of Wednesday 7 August we reached the Island of San Lazzaro degli Armeni by boat. It was a short but beautiful trip on a local waterbus, giving us the opportunity to admire a different side of the lagoon of Venice, offering very special views and perspectives of the town itself.
The island is located in the central part of the lagoon, close to the Lido, just about two kilometers from Venice.
Upon arrival, Father Hamazasp, a representative of the Armenian monastic community still present on the island, gave us a warm welcome and guided us discovering the island, the convent, the cloister, the church and the precious library.Venice’s first contacts with the Armenians, the “People of the Ark”, were lost at the time of the origins of the city itself. First news bring us back to 1182, the year in which the Venetian Leone Paolini obtained the island as a gift from Abbot Uberto of Sant’Ilario. Leone built a church there, initially dedicated to Saint Leone Papa, and a hospice for pilgrims who soon became a refuge for leprosy.
The history of the island is intertwined with that of the Armenian people starting from 1717. It was in that year that the island was donated perpetually by the Senate of the Republic to the Armenian followers of Mechitar, or Manug di Pietro, called the Comforter.
During the ruinous Napoleonic siege nothing was touched here. One of the French guards of Armenian origin convinced the leader of the siege to leave this island intact.
For this reason too, the convent can still show us today all its wealth of historical and artistic objects, its 170,000 texts and its printing equipment.
Nelle prossime puntate pubblicheremo nuovi TESTI e VIDEO realizzati per raccontare l’esperienza delle altre visite di studio a Venezia: torna a visitare le pagine di questo blog!
In the next episodes we will publish new TEXTS and VIDEOS created to share the experience of more study visits to Venice: come back and visit our blog!
Lo Staff di TGS Journal / TGS Journal Staff
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