Si conclude oggi la serie estiva di post in lingua inglese espressamente dedicati agli amici TGS Eurogroup oltre i confini nazionali. Attraverso la mailing list dedicata “Friends of TGS Eurogroup” raggiungiamo tutti i nostri amici, collaboratori, volontari che operano assieme a TGS Eurogroup in Gran Bretagna, in Belgio e in tutta Europa, con i giovani e per i giovani, attraverso molteplici progetti internazionali che ci vedono collaborare assieme.
La “TGS On Line Newsletter” è una versione più agile e informale della “TGS newsletter” in formato PDF che pubblichiamo solitamente due volte all’anno in lingua inglese per gli stessi destinatari. Questa versione digitale ci consente, in particolare in questo periodo in cui siamo costretti a rinviare i nostri viaggi studio all’estero, di tenere i contatti con tutti i nostri amici oltre confine e di tenerli aggiornati su quanto sta realizzando TGS Eurogroup in Italia.
Per tutti i nostri amici italiani può essere un ottimo esercizio di “reading comprehension” in lingua inglese… in preparazione dei prossimi corsi di lingua inglese TGS Eurogroup!
PS ti sei perso le puntate precedenti? Puoi ritrovarle on line sul blog TGS Journal alla voce “TGS On Line Newsletter”.
Buona lettura!
TGS Eurogroup: time for a fresh new start!
Dear Friends, no matter where your life is taking you, we are here to keep you informed about the activities at TGS Eurogroup.
TGS friends at work!…This is probably the best way to take stock at the situation here!
After the Summer break, all members of TGS Eurogroup Committee are back to their institutional and ordinary meetings. On 12th September, they gathered in Mogliano Veneto. It was the first opportunity for the new TGS Committee to meet in person since its election in June, after a long row of on-line appointments.
Our TGS Summer experience was the main item on the agenda. As you know, the Association has been launching new projects to offer its service and activities even during the last year-and-a-half pandemic restrictions. TGS Summer Camp, Su e Zo per il Veneto, and Su e Zo Detour in Venice – which you have read about in our previous newsletters – are among the activities the Association has been working at. We put in place new cooperation with local organizations and new strategies for cultural engagement for all TGS members.
TGS Committee also discussed the guidelines for the months to come. We all wish the future gives us the chance to work as in the past. The members showed particular interest in the training of the volunteers: we know that our TGS Volunteers are our strength, and we are working to look for opportunities for them as well. Needless to say, it is a very challenging enterprise, considering the current worldwide situation and its possible developments. As a Salesian association, we are always moved by hope, therefore TGS Eurogroup is working on a new perspective for developing projects in favour of the youth. It is important to stimulate reflection and the exchange of views, both within TGS and beyond, especially in these trying days for tourism and volunteering in associations. We all feel that the time for a fresh new start has come. We all feel we need to find new ways, new relationships, and new means to engage and educate the young through culture and tourism.
But before we started planning new actions for the youth, there was a final highlight for TGS Summer 2021 yet to celebrate: our traditional TGS Back Together event took place in Venice last Sunday, 19th September, as usual to gather all TGS friends and supporters to say goodbye to Summer and welcome a brand-new year of activities! Such event had the honour of being included in the official programme of World Tourism Day 2021, supported by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation and celebrated on 27th September every year (see here:
“TGS Back Together 2021” was the event reuniting students, parents, families and volunteers of the TGS Summer Camp for a final gathering to celebrate the end of Summer. While students and leaders were engaged in a number of games and activities while discovering the most hidden treasures of Venice, their parents, families and friends were invited to join our “Su e Zo Detours”, a series of guided tours of Venice presented by the “Su e Zo per i Ponti di Venezia” (Up and Down the Bridges of Venice), the annual solidarity walk organised each year by TGS Eurogroup. In the afternoon the two groups reunited at the Patriarchal Palace, in Piazza San Marco, so we had the opportunity to exchange greetings and share final messages from TGS Committee. The perfect goodbye to a new season of TGS activities next year! Stay tuned for more information soon!
We hope you enjoyed reading about our TGS Summer 2021 through our TGS On Line Newsletters! We will surely be back with our TGS Newsletter by the end of the year. Meanwhile, let’s celebrate World Tourism Day 2021 together tomorrow: this year the celebration highlights the power of ‘Tourism for Inclusive Growth’. The human desire to travel and explore is universal, which is why tourism must be open for everyone to enjoy. TGS’ commitment is to engage as many young people as possible in our youth and social tourism activities. Do you want to join us on such a challenge? You are very welcome to do so: feel free to get in touch with us anytime by sending an email to
All the best to each of you!
Alessandra, Igino & TGS Journal staff
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